Date : Fri, 31 Jul 2009 15:30:47 +0100
From : chris@... (Chris Long)
Subject: Fw: Fwd: ITV Teletext to shut down in January
Listers may be interested in this week's teletext-themed b3ta challenge
Caution, b3ta often features user-drawn or user-photoshopped images that
aren't entirely work- or child-safe. The page I link to above is fine
but explore further at your own risk.
Some good ones there :-)
Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> It's also been explored in Dr. Who several times.
> Best wishes,
> Ian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Rob [mailto:robert@...]
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Sent: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 17:24:51 +0100
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Fw: Fwd: ITV Teletext to shut down in January
> On 30/07/2009, Philip Pemberton <philpem@...> wrote:
>>> Let's just hope the Beeb get over their current obsession with getting
>>> rid of people over fifty. Wasn't there a sci-fi film about that, that
>>> people were 'removed' from society over a certain age (I think 30?).
>> Yes, but I'll be {$CURSE}ed if I can remember what it was called...
> I'm sure there have been a few that include that plotline, but Logan's
> Run was probably the best known..
> Rob
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