Date : Sat, 25 Jul 2009 09:54:12 EDT
From : AlembicPrs@... (
Subject: BBC Model B smoking
Not sure if my first e-mail got through. I have just powered up a Model B
after a few years out-of-use, and after about half an hour, smoke poured out
from the psu (I think). Can't see any obvious damage, and the Beeb was
still working at the time. Mind you, the battery on the Watford ROM/RAM board
looks corroded.
So I powered up a second Beeb (which had no extra boards, etc. in it) and
immediately there was a crack, and smoke poured from the psu.
Before I power up a third Beeb, can anyone tell me what the poblem is.
Obviously, some component is failing.
David Bolton
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