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Date   : Tue, 21 Jul 2009 12:07:45 +0100
From   : CALITTLEFIEL@... (Littlefield Aaron)
Subject: BBC items on eBay

Hello everyone,


Just to let you know I have some BBC items on eBay that I'm getting rid
off (curse this redundancy!) - got to get rid of items sadly due to
needing to vacate the flat eventually. I don't like using this forum to
self-promote auctions, but they're going for peanuts and some of you
guys may be interested - at least I'll know they'll be going to a good
home. There's a BBC B+ (64k) and a BBC Master on there if anybody is
interested. Apologies if this breaks any forum rules.


Items: 140332762430, 140332773753


Best wishes





P.S. Ignore the server junk.




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