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Date   : Mon, 29 Jun 2009 19:43:45 +0100
From   : mfirth@... (Michael Firth)
Subject: eBay Pricing Psychology Discussion - was Re:

The BBC eBay auction that amuses me the most is this one:


"RARE" - only 1 million BBC Bs were sold, so yes, they are very rare!
"MINT" - the machine has had a ROM board installed, and is pictured with the 
lid off. For me, 'mint' would mean that (at least) the machine had only ever 
been opened by an Acorn dealer.
?120!!!! - WTF. There may be quite a few bits and pieces with the machine, 
but that's at least double the maximum I would pay.

But somehow he doesn't seem to get the message that no one's interested, the 
same listing has been going round and round for months.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher" <c.r.dewhurst@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] eBay Pricing Psychology Discussion - was Re:

> Oooh don't get me fired up on this one....
> When sending Paypal payment to a seller I always send a follow-up
> message to state I've sent it. May sound unnecessary BUT I had people
> claiming not to have received payment. Too many people rely on the
> little icons on their eBay screen. You would think they could check
> their emails but I had business sellers saying they hadn't got time
> to! That was the last time I bought anything from THEM.
> Take the seller who accepted Paypal payments, received my Paypal
> payment, and my message saying I've sent payment, but she insisted I
> was sending a paper cheque through the post...not used to "handling"
> electronic money I guess.
> If postage looks outrageous then, unless you are really DESPERATE,
> just don't bid.
> If you want more than one, ask the seller if they will combine
> postage. If no, or you get no response, don't bid.
> As a seller I always state my terms on the listing text instead of
> relying on the forms you fill in when you list the item.
> Pricing in Proportion? It favours flatter items - cheaper for Royal
> Mail - the overworked postman can shove more things through the
> letterbox and run...
> Regards,
> -- 
> Be Different - Be RISC OS
> Click search for RISC OS on the web:
> http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=risc+os
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