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Date   : Thu, 11 Jun 2009 10:17:00 +0100
From   : michael.firth@... (michael.firth@bt.com)
Subject: Retro Software: first release - Zap!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> bbc-micro-bounces+michael.firth=bt.com@... 
> [mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+michael.firth=bt.com@...
> .uk] On Behalf Of samwise
> Sent: 10 June 2009 22:09
> To: BBC micro mailing list
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Retro Software: first release - Zap!
> Hi,
> A little over a year ago we launched a fan software label with the
> intentions of encouraging development of some new BBC micro games.  We
> had kindly words of encouragement from list members back then, and a
> few requests for us to keep you updated.
> There's been a lot of work going on since then, and we've kicked off a
> decent number of projects.  Some have stalled, but others are ticking
> along quite nicely.  In fact, and the reason for posting, is that
> we've finally reached our first commercial release - a shoot-'em'-up
> called Zap!
> Zap! is by Jamie Woodhouse, the author of Quak on Superior Software's
> Play It Again Sam 10 compilation from back in 1989.  It's inspired by
> Tekhan/Tecmo's Star Force and is in the style of Namco's classic
> arcade game, Galaga.  It's also pretty darn challenging, as attendees
> to the recent Byte Back and Retro Computer Museum Open Day events can
> attest.
> It's officially been launched for the BBC B/B+/Master and Master
> Compact - you can find some pics of the first cassettes and discs up
> at the Zap! page: http://www.retrosoftware.co.uk/zap
> You'll also find there screenshots, video and more information,
> including ordering details - it's available in the traditional formats
> (Cassette, 5.25? DFS Disc and 3.5? ADFS Disc) and costs just ?2 - ?3,
> depending on format.  A small CD package with an emulator image will
> be available soon.
I've just bought a copy on 5.25" disk, but was wondering if you've thought
about making it available electronically.

Instead of making a CD with an emulator image on, have an option to send
people who buy it a .SSD file by e-mail.

I would probably have preferred that, as, even though I have physical BBC
Micros and a 5.25" drive, I'd rather just copy the game to my IDE CF hard drive.


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