Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 13:17:07 +0100
From : kishtailor@... (Kish Tailor)
Subject: copying of discs
If you're planning to do it on a pc I recommend omniflop.
Sent via iPhone by O2
On 17 May 2009,@12:45, naz sajid <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This has probably been asked before but not in so simple words.
> Besides, there is is a plethora of complicated and expensive methods
> but I want a simple a cost effective here goes..
> 1)What is the best way of copyng(including the protecion) 5.25
> floppies to 3.5?
> 2) What is the best way of copyng(including the protecion) 3.5"
> floppies to 3.5"?
> 3) I have used ADI which can't copy all programs eg exile. Is there
> anyone who can modify this in light of the protections involved in
> all games are probably now known as this would be useful?
> Thanks
> Naz
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