Date : Tue, 12 May 2009 12:28:21 +0000
From : julian_stenning@... (Julian Stenning)
Subject: My Rodime Wont Spin
Well, releasing the brake has allowed the device to spin again, but it makes
the most horrific noise and doesn't seem to come in to a 'ready' state (the
on-board LED stays permanenty lit). I think its ready for the bin.
Thanks for the replies so far on getting the WD filecard formatted. I'm getting
'format error 14' from SuperForm (v1.06) after about 30-45 minutes of formatting
I remember the drive as being 32Mb, and there are defects listed on heads
0 & 3, so it must have 4 heads. How do I go about changing the spt value
in superform? I only get options for heads, cylinders, step rate, rwcc and lz.
Thanks again,
> Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 11:36:19 +0100
> From:
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] My Rodime Wont Spin
> 2009/5/12 Julian Stenning <julian_stenning@...>:
> >
> > Lastly, I do have an old Western Digital MFM 30Mb 'FileCard' drive (rescued
> > from an old Amstrad PC1640) that spins up when connected to the Acorn
> > winchester PSU and adaptec board, but Superform wont complete a format. The
> > drive parameters on the unit read 'H4, Wpc 783, Cyl 782, LZ 783, Spt 26'.
> > Can I use this? I seem to think I have in the past, but that may be a false
> > memory.
> Those parameters sound right, but the drive may be dead. I've got two
> 30MB WD FileCards with XT-IDE drives on them, dating from 1989 and
> 1991. One of them now seems to be working fine, but the other is full
> of bad sectors including some on track 0 which makes it totally
> unusable. It's possible that a similar drive with an ST-506 interface
> drive to go the same way.
> Another thing of note is that the two drives I have here have 3 heads,
> not 4. Although yours is a different drive, the capacities and other
> parameters are the same, so it would seem odd for yours to have 4
> heads unless it's actually a 40MB drive.
> --
> Alex Taylor
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