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Date   : Wed, 06 May 2009 18:51:35 +0100
From   : me@... (me@davidglover.org)

(I was tempted to put "BBC" in the subject as well just to have four  
acronyms[1] all in one subject, but, I digress...)

I just bought an RGB-to-SCART cable from thesinclairshop.com, and used  
it connect by BBC Master to my 40" Sony LCD television. Other members  
of this list had talked of problems with such cables and LCD  
televisions, so I was prepared for it not to work so well.

I need not have worried.

The resulting picture is, by far, the best image quality I have ever  
seen being generated by a BBC. It's *far* nicer than even the best- 
condition cub monitor I've seen. The image is pin-sharp, noise-free,  
bright and vivid, with real black blacks. Oh, and huge. :)

I am amazed.

I've uploaded some photos I've taken of a few games running on it (and  
some text shots of modes 7 and 0), but be aware that these do not even  
slightly do it justice. It looks far, far nicer in real life.

Photos: http://blog.davidglover.org/photos/bbcrgb/

So if you want to connect your beeb to a TV, I can highly recommend a  
thesinclairshop.com cable. (And they're not paying me to say that.  
Although they should be. ;)

One final tip, I had to turn off the "Contrast Enhancer" option on my  
TV, or the whites were over-white and bled a little.


[1] Well, three initialisms and one acronym, at least.
David Glover
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