Date : Mon, 20 Apr 2009 23:01:11 +0100
From : kishtailor@... (Kish Tailor)
Subject: PC to cassette to BBC
I wouldn't recommend connecting any vintage computer directly to the
pc's soundcard output. I damaged a ti-99/4a doing that.
Sent via iPhone by O2
On 20 Apr 2009,@20:53, Francis Devereux <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 18 Apr 2009, at 12:09, michael glanfield wrote:
>> This has probably been asked before but I have failed to find the
>> answer ...
>> I have a BBC and use a cassette drive to store the programs. What I
>> would like to do is to both create the program on a PC and then
>> transfer to cassette having compiled it, or to use a program created
>> on the BBC and then transfer the file from cassette via sound card
>> to the BBC, and ideally decompile to plain text if that's the
>> correct term. Or by RS232 as a direct link for the program from PC
>> to BBC and vice versa if that's possible.
> I use TequilaComm (an unregistered version is available on the net
> somewhere, I think from on the BBC and lrzsz on a
> Linux PC to do Ymodem serial file transfers. If you write a BASIC
> program in a text editor on the PC then you will need to *EXEC it once
> you've got it onto the BBC to tokenise it (attempting to LOAD a plain-
> text file into BASIC won't work, because LOAD only works with
> tokenised files).
> An alternative program for serial transfers is Xfer, but I've never
> used it. You can probably also use the PC's sound card connected to
> the BBC's tape interface, again I haven't done that myself but you
> could try looking at BeebEm and uef2wav. I think that there might be
> more info on this subject on the Stairway to Hell forums (
> ).
>> Sorry if this seems a crazy or impossible quest - I'm fairly new to
>> the BBC though OK with DOS / Linux.
> No, it's pretty sane compared to a few of the things I've read about
> on this list ;-)
> Francis
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