Date : Tue, 14 Apr 2009 11:52:32 +0100
From : afra@... (
Subject: Writing BBC Disc Images on Linux
Quoting Alex Taylor <>:
> 2009/4/13 Ian Wolstenholme <bbcmailinglist@...>:
> Referring back to something someone said earlier about USB floppy
> drives, my mentioning the PCW has just reminded me that I successfully
> used a USB floppy drive to write CP/M format disk images to 720K
> floppies. I can't remember what software or OS I used though...
That may be because Amstrad CP/M (and Spectrum +3 disks), like PC 720s
use 9x512 byte sectors per track, so the low level format is the same
as the USB drive would be expecting, even though the logical high
level format is different.
The situation with BBC disks would be different due to single density
and different sector sizes (256/sector rather than 512).
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