Date : Mon, 13 Apr 2009 20:08:42 +0100
From : me@... (
Subject: uef2wave
Has anyone had any success with the Python script
available on:
The results I've had trying to play the resulting wave files from an
iPod into my beeb have been... mixed.
Originally my beeb seemed "deaf" and wouldn't acknowledge anything so
I had a closer look at the wave files that it's producing and
discovered that waveform it creates only goes from 0 to 128 - only the
bottom half of the available 0-255 space in an 8-bit sample.
I edited the script to use the full range and now my beeb will load
from the wav, but every fifth or sixth block will produce a "Block?"
or "Data?" error which can be.. frustrating.
I'm on a Mac so I can't use the available Windows UEF tools. Are there
any cross-platform tools that produce 16-bit wavs from UEFs? Or
perhaps at a higher sample rate than 22khz? I'm wondering if a
smoother sine wave will aid recognition.
David Glover