Date : Wed, 08 Apr 2009 23:22:30 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Faster, faster
John Kortink wrote:
> The 65C816's native mode is (as yet) not supported by
> the Tube OS and e.g. BASIC. But it is possible to run
It should be simple enough to make the Tube MOS run 65816 code if
it has a code header, as there's supposed to be a ROM type byte to
indicate 65816 code.
The 65Tube MOS code recognises "Turbo65" code with ROM type byte 1
and sets up pointers and enters the code appropriately. I've been
trying to get hold of either an Acorn Communicator or the ROM
images for the Acorn Communicator to see if there's any hints in
there as that uses a 65816.
Otherwise, as with the PDP11, a proposed ID byte value can be
floated here and csa.programmer for comment.
There're 65816 opcode lists at
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
The most perfect world is an imperfect world as the imperfections
give people a reason to strive to change it.