Date : Mon, 06 Apr 2009 20:38:59 +0000
From : nicolagiacobbe@... (nicola giacobbe)
Subject: FW: Writing BBC Disc Images on Linux
> Surely that will only work if the target floppy is already formatted to
> match the image you want to write to the disk?
> I wasn't aware that Linux natively supported the BBC floppy formats, and
> certainly haven't seen a formatter that could format a DFS or ADFS floppy
> included with any recent Distros.
> Michael
Well..., it is not exactly this way. Linux is not supporting the BBC floppy
format (even if I believe it DOES supports ADFS), dd is simply a disc copy
command that pours into the floppy disk the image file given as 'if' parameter,
it works only for standard format floppies, that is, the ones present in
the kernel.
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