Date : Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:05:22 +0100
From : mu.list@... (Mark Usher)
Subject: A few Econet questions
It was my design originally based on what was in the Advanced User Guide.
Have still got the hub I build opposite me at the moment and running the
Econet I have here. It has integrated terminators and clock. Everything you
need is there already.
If I would change anything, I may add more than the 3 DIN Econet and 1 15pin
Econet port. Otherwise it is quite sufficient. Oh, and possibly the Ethernet
bridge if we get that working!
[] On Behalf Of
Steve Inglis
Sent: 29 March 2009 22:52
To: BBC micro mailing list
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] A few Econet questions
On 29 Mar 2009, at 18:24, Michael Firth wrote:
Secondly, can anyone suggest a modern alternative to the MC14411 that's
suggested as a clock generator in this circuit:
Alternatively, presumably an oscillator and counter combination could be
used as a simpler alternative to this IC - is that a reasonable assumption?
Next, that circuit suggests the 75159 as a suitable driver for the clock
signal - would a 75174 work instead? - it has a single ended input, and is
marked as an RS422 differential driver. The 75174 is available at a fraction
of the cost of the 75159, which would make it a preferrable alternative.
I have also been looking into re-creating one of the Econet hubs for my own
use. I was looking for more information about these hubs, i seem to
remember finding a group on Yahoo or something about 2-3 years ago, but i
cant find it again.
At the time, there was some discussion about a mark 2, which added
terminators or a clock. Does anyone know what that group was, or have any
documents relating to the hub, apart from the gif.
Steve Inglis
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