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Date   : Fri, 27 Mar 2009 23:56:42 -0000
From   : dl.harper@... (David Harper)
Subject: XFER

MarkWoobster@... wrote:
  I downloaded and unzipped Xfer. After reading the installation instructions 
i seem to be stuck. It tells me to run 1stXfer but i cannot find any application
within the download called 1stXfer. i have included the following statment
from the instruction:-

  "Step 3 concerns the transfer of XFer.bas (the BBC part of XFer) to
  the BBC. A program, 1stXFer, is included for this purpose. Run 1stXFer
  and follow the instructions given on screen."

  Anyone know where I'm going wrong ?
The documentation for Xfer was never very good.

Assuming you are using Xfer 5.1 (which has been the current version for some
time) the procedure is:

1. If you are using a Master, enter on it:
    then <Break>

    (This step is not necessary on the earlier models)

2. Check details in the XFER.INI file - they are all pretty obvious.

3. Enter (on the PC):
        XFER -1
    and follow instructons.

    This last transfers the XFER.BAS file to the BBC.

You can then save the latter to a BBC disc, and you will not need to do it again.

David Harper
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