Date : Wed, 25 Mar 2009 12:33:49 +0000
From : michael.firth@... (Firth,MJC,Michael,DMJ R)
Subject: Fwd: BBC B to PC serial cable
-----Original Message-----
> From: Kish Tailor <kishtailor@...>
> Date: 24 March 2009 23:21:39 GMT
> To: "MarkWoobster@..." <>
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC B to PC serial cable
> I'm on the verge of making this said cable soon. The main problem is
> finding the 5 pin domino din plug for the BBC b micro side. I
> managed to find a seller on eBay that sells them. Then you have to
> choose if you wanna go db 9 or db 25 on the pc side. I plan on
> building my cable with both
> Options and see which works better.
I'm a bit puzzled by this - a PC will either have a 9 way serial port or
a 25 way serial port (I haven't seen one with a 25 way one for at least
10 years) which connector you need on that end depends entirely on what
connector your PC has. There isn't any point in making a cable with both.
If you do find an antique PC with only 25 way serial ports (I think you would
be looking at about 20 years old), just use a 9 to 25 way adaptor.
I think CPC still sell domino DIN plugs, but I guess the eBay route is possibly
cheaper for postage if you don't need other bits from CPC.
> On 24 Mar 2009, at 22:17, MarkWoobster@... wrote:
>> Any of the electronics retailers make a suitable serial cable for
>> file transfers to/ from pc to bbc b or is it a case of DIY?
>> Mark.
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