Date : Tue, 17 Mar 2009 17:51:03 +0000
From : me@... (
Subject: Ugly beeb hacks
On 17 Mar 2009, at 16:02, Rob wrote:
> It's a Master .. I'd hazard a guess that it's to do with redirecting
> the ROMSEL on the sockets.. I'm sure I saw something (more neater!)
> described so as to use the GoMMC in a different socket, and so allow
> the use of the RAM banks that it normally wipes out..
The GoMMC sits in the 6+7 slot (and has to for exciting reasons), but
that wipes out two banks of sideways RAM. You can move the jumper to
convert 6+7 back into RAM and perform the ugly hack in the photo, and
the GoMMC magically reappears in bank 8.
The only downside of this configuration is that, for some reason, the
GoMMC seems much more liable of corrupting itself, and without bank 8
free for the tool ROM, you have to disassemble the whole thing again
to restore it. Maybe I should buy one of BeebShop's floppy drives.
It makes me wonder why the Master was laid out that way. Surely the
4+5 and 6+7 sockets are virtually useless, since pretty much all
Master software wants to use those banks as RAM.
I need to find a regular BBC B that I've been promising myself. No
problems there. :)