Date : Mon, 16 Mar 2009 23:24:14 +0000 (GMT)
From : debounce@... (
Subject: Microvitec Tripler
On Sunday, 15 March, 2009, 8:58 AM, Mike Tomlinson <mike@...> wrote:
> The same thing happens with the A1 control in the top left
> corner of the
> tube base board (VR902 maybe IIRC), it's 1.2M. If you look
> at the white
> centre of the trimpot (where you use the trimmer tool), on
> most Cubs of
> a certain age, you'll see it's browned with heat and falls
> apart if you
> try to adjust it.
One of my Cubs had a 'whiteout' a few weeks ago.? I jogged the pot marked
VR932 and the screen went dark, then tried to turn it and the whole lot
crumbled.? R934 next to it was also burnt around one end. Farnell no longer
stocks the exact trimmer, their suggested replacement is smaller but I improvised
some connections and so far it is holding up, although I wouldn't recommend
doing this. (I used a 2.2M part as suggested in
- this may of course be an OCR error!)
Greg Cook