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Date   : Mon, 16 Mar 2009 15:27:03 +0000
From   : me@... (me@davidglover.org)
Subject: Another set of dumb questions...lol

On 16 Mar 2009, at 15:11, Alex Taylor wrote:

> I think DFS and ADFS explorer will both do this, however I'm too tight
> to pay the shareware fee so I have no experience of using them.

They will. Another option is 65Link:

Here's how to make a cable. Prepare for ASCII art!




- shielded cable with at least four wires; length depending on needs,  
up to
   many meters
- 5-pin Domino DIN-plug (you might have to shop around for this item;  
   not that common anymore)
- 9-pin D-type plug or 25-Pin D-type plug, depending on your PC's serial


Make the following connections:

Pin   Pin
(9 P) (25 P)    PC                              BBC           Pin
----- ------    --                              ---           ---
  5     7        0V (Ground)                     Gnd (Ground)   1
  2     3        RxD (Data in)   --------------  TD (Data out)  2
  3     2        TxD (Data out)  --------------  RD (Data in)   3
  1     8        DCD             ---+----------  RTS            5
  6     6        DSR             ---+
  4     20       DTR             --------------  CTS            4
  7     4        RTS             ---+
  8     5        CTS             ---+

(The +'s mean that locally on the PC DSR has to be connected to DCD  
and that
RTS has to be connected to CTS.)

Pin numbering

PC:                                           BBC:
9-pin D-type       or: 25-pin D-type          5-pin Domino DIN-plug
_____________      _______________________      _____
\ 1 2 3 4 5 /      \ 1  2 .  .  .  .  13 /     /     \
  \ 6 7 8 9 /        \ 14 15 .  .  .  25 /     / 5   3 \
   ---------          -------------------      |   1    |
                                               \ 4   2 /
                                                \     /

The views of these figures are all from the outside (the backs of the
computers) into the sockets, i.e. they show the wiring sides of the  

Some tips

If you plan to wire up your BBC to a PC, you might learn from what I
have done wrong:

- You can insert the BBC-plug into the RS423 port in two ways. Do it
   the right way! (A handy tip I received is to put some Tippex on the
   top of the plug.)
- Find out which PC's RS232 port is COM1 and which one is COM2. I  
   COM1 is always the 9-pin socket and COM2 always the 25-pin socket,  
   on the PC I used it was exactly the other way round! (Btw. Does  
   know of an easy way to find this out?)

# The Theory
# =========
# It will be clear that the Beeb's Data-In has to be connected to the
# PC's Data-Out and vice versa.
# It is more complex with the other connections. These are meant for the
# hand-shaking between the Beeb and the PC. This basically means that  
# Beeb and the PC can tell each other when they are ready to send/ 
# data. A handshaking mechanism prevents one of the computers to send,
# when the other one isn't ready to receive, in which case data would  
get lost.
# The reason for the unclarity of the handshaking pins, and also the  
# why there appeared to be two "schools" of people on how to connect a  
# and a PC during a recent discussion on the BBC-mailing list, is two- 
# - the RS423 and the RS232 are only *interfaces*. An
#   interface definition only defines the *local* aspects of an
#   interconnection between the computers and not the *remote* aspects.
#   (Both the local and remote aspects together form the communication
#   *protocol*, which is the important thing in our case. For a good
#   treatise on interfaces and protocols read "The design of Telematics
#   Systems" by C. Vissers who is my PhD supervisor :)
# - the RS232 interface definition (CCITT V.40 or V.42, I believe) is  
#   plain bad (its definitions of the functions of the pins are  
# If the above sounds a bit too theoretical to you: the problem is that
# you have a lot of freedom in connecting the pins, depending on the
# communication protocol you use.
# On the Beeb the above is not much a problem, because the RS423 is very
# simple: if the Beeb wants to send it raises its RTS signal and waits
# until its CTS signal is raised by the other computer; for receiving  
# the other way round.
# However, the RS232 of a PC is more complex. Its definition suggests  
# not necessarily prescribes) that the DTR pin has a function similar to
# the Beeb's RTS pin and the DSR pin a function similar to the Beeb's  
# pin. Most protocols implemented on the PC (and all I tried) adhere to
# this. This is why you have to connect the Beeb's RTS to the PC's DSR  
# the Beeb's CTS to the PC's DSR.
# But things are more complex. The RS232 also has a DCD (data carrier
# detect) pin, which can be used to detect if there is a device  
# to it. Most (but not all) protocols implemented on a PC use this. As
# the Beeb has no complementary signal, a "circumvention" is needed. The
# easiest way to circumvent this is to connect this pin to the PC's DSR
# pin, so that every time it receives a DSR-signal, the PC automatically
# knows there is also a device connected.
# To make things even more complex, the RS232 also has an RTS and a CTS
# pin, albeit with different functions than on a Beeb. Some protocols
# implemented on the PC use these for a second handshake after the
# handshake with DTR/DSR/DCD. (Don't ask me what it is good for.) The
# easiest way to circumvent this, is to connect the PC's RTS pin simply
# to its own CTS pin.
# If you want to experiment with the different types of handshaking
# described above: it is easy to do so with QBASIC (included in MS-DOS
# versions 5 to 6.20, I think). Look at the help item for "OPEN COM".
# To conclude
# ==========
# - The wiring required for the handshake depends on the protocol you  
# - Nearly all protocols implemented on the PC treat the DTR pin as the
#   Beeb's RTS pin and the PC's DSR pin as the Beeb's CTS pin; so you  
#   to cross-wire these.
#   (To the people who think RTS/CTS should be cross-wired on both  
#   I'm not saying you were wrong or that your suggestion will never  
#   however, if it works for you you're using a pretty esoteric protocol
#   and it will probably not work with most other protocols.)
# - Many protocols implemented on the PC also wait for a DCD signal  
#   handshake; therefore it's useful to connect DCD to DSR on the PC.
# - Some protocols use a second hand-shake. In order to "circumvent"  
#   connect the PC's RTS pin to its CTS pin.
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