Date : Sun, 15 Mar 2009 13:47:11 +0000
From : me@... (
Subject: GoMMCio for Mac OS X
Hi guys.
I've ported John K's GoMMCio tool to Mac OS X.
You can download it here:
Note: This requires an Intel Mac and won't work on PowerPC.
How to use:
1. Insert card into card reader.
2. If the card is already formatted for GoMMC, you'll get a prompt
asking if you want to format, eject, or ignore. Click ignore.
3. Run the Disk Utility (in Applications/Utilities), select your card
reader and click Info. Note down the "Disk Identifier". (It will
probably be "disk1".)
4. From the Terminal, run GoMMCio as normal, eg.
$ ./gommcio -d/dev/disk1 [commands]
5. When you're done, use the Disk Utility again to "Eject" the device.
See the GoMMCio documentation for details.