Date : Fri, 06 Mar 2009 23:45:09 +0000
From : me@... (
Subject: Byte Back Meetup (Sat 7th March)
On 6 Mar 2009, at 20:15, Joel Rowbottom wrote:
> I will be loitering around probably in a black disco-ball Death Star
> t-shirt, invariably with a Canon EOS camera around my shoulder, and
> stopping at the nearest Premier Travel Inn so if anyone else fancies
> sharing cabs so they can have a drink in the evening please let me
> know.
Although I won't be able to make the post-show meetup, I will be there
fairly early tomorrow with my Master and assorted stuff.
If anyone wants to look for me, I look like this:
Just look for the huge beard. :)
I'll also be bringing along my HD video camera, so smile!
~David Glover.