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Date   : Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:51:51 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Free to good home - various 8-bit hardware

Seen on comp.sys.acorn.hardware. I'd take it, but Telford's too
far away for me.
I wish to get rid of the following 8-bit hardware.  All of it is free
to whoever wants it.
1 x BBC Micro model B, issue 7, with 1770 DFS.
1 x BBC Micro model B, issue 7, with 8271 DFS.
2 x BBC Master 128, issue 2.
1 x BBC Master Compact, with single disc drive and Acorn colour monitor.
1 x Microvitec Cub colour monitor.
1 x Electron Plus 1.
The computers go beep if you turn them on, but are otherwise untested.
The monitors and the Plus 1 are completely untested.  Everything bar
the Plus 1 is ex-school, so there are security markings and bit of
sticky residue from labels.  Both Beebs have Econet, but the 1770 one
is missing a couple of the chips.
Due to the size and weight of all of the above, the new owner would
need to come and collect.  I am based near Telford, in the West
If you're interested, please send me an email:
timothy dot coltman at gmail dot com

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