Date : Tue, 10 Feb 2009 17:33:07 +0000
From : me@... (
Subject: OT (-ish): Beeb meetup at BYTE BACK? (March 2009,
On 24 Jan 2009, at 00:56, Dave Moore wrote:
> Well, personally I'd be *delighted* if you were to bring it! :)
> I'll provisionally add it to
> then if/
> when you
> get your ticket, please drop me a line so I can 'confirm' it.
OK, I have my ticket, but I will probably only be able to attend on
Saturday. I'm still happy to bring it along, but it would therefore
only be available while I'm there.
Unrelated bonus question:
Is it possible to buy BBC Master cartridges that contain sideways RAM
from anywhere?
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