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Date   : Fri, 16 Jan 2009 10:22:15 +0000
From   : j.m.richardson@... (John Richardson)
Subject: Entering a listing (or other text) into BeebEm

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 00:00, Jonathan Graham Harston <
jgh@...> wrote:

> Save file as, for instance, files\hello.txt
> Rename to files\hello to get rid of the extension
> do MkImage disk.ssd files -type dfs
> ...after waiting for me to upload the bugfixed version of MkImage
> that actually attaches I/O to the console when it runs as a
> console application! :( :(
> May as well include a 'strip extsntions' option to remove step 2.

Thanks Jonathan - for the reply and the utility. That's quite easy I
suppose: being lazy I was hoping I'd missed something even easier.

Printing to a text file from BeebEm has proved a very quick way of getting
text out of the emulator. I was hoping it would be as quick going the other

I've been using BeebEm/BASIC assembler to test out some 6502
routines/algorithms. It's much easier to use the Beeb compared with some
online 6502 emulator as one can then take advantage of BASIC & the OS
routines to print out results, and generally write test harness code. I've
been writing, annotating and storing my code fragments in Onenote, and was
hoping for a quick(er) way to transfer.

I still wonder about one of my other suggestions:

2) Perhaps use an app to send a sequence of key-presses to the active
BeebEm window

This could be a completely generic application. E.g. one had typed AUTO into
the BASIC prompt, or perhaps had started up the Master 128 EDIT program...
and then you get your text 'typed' in as if at the keyboard, with BeebEm as
the active window.

Does anyone know if such a general Windows utility exists? Or even if it
did, is there something I haven't thought of which would make it unusable
with BeebEm?
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