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Date   : Sun, 11 Jan 2009 13:23:09 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: My sideways ram utils

Sprow wrote:
> Seriously impressed by the tidy source code!
It's always a dilemma letting people see your own source code, but
how will people learn if they don't see? To this end some time ago
I stuck my head above the parapet and put together a list of coding
and commenting examples at http://mdfs.net/jgh/Progs/Examples.htm
Phill Harvey-Smith wrote:
> Constructive comments welcome :)
--> While not enforced by anything, the version string should
be of the form:
ether "x.yz" or "x.yz (dd Mmm yyyy)"
for example:
EQUS    "RamUtils",0             ; Title string
EQUS    "0.90 (12 Jan 2009)"     ; Version string
EQUB    0
EQUS    "(C)2008 Ramoth Software"
EQUB    0
Then you get nice neat listings, like this:
No. Position Name             Version
  1 FFFF8000 TERMINAL           1.00               (C)1984 Acorn
  2 FFFC8000 BASIC              4.00               (C)1984 Acorn
  3 FFFB8000 Edit               1.00               (C)1984 Acorn
  4 FFFA8000 ViewSheet          B.10               (C)1984 Acornsoft
  5 FFF98000 DFS                2.24               (C)1985 Acorn
  6 FFF9B8E0 Mouse              1.00 (12 Mar 2006) (C)J.G.Harston
  7 FFF88000 Acorn ANFS 4.25    4.25               (C)1986 Acorn
  8 FFF78000 HADFS              5.50 (15 May 2007) (C)J.G.Harston
  9 FFF7BE4A NullKeyboard       0.12 (01 Aug 1998) (C)JGH
 10 FFF7BE75 SoftRTC            0.10 (23 Nov 1992) (C)JGH
 11 FFF68000 GoMMC              1.00 (25 May 2006) (C)2004-2006 Zeridajh
 12 FFF58000 VIEW               4.00               (C)JGH & Acornsoft
 13 FFF48000 Z80 BASIC          1.25 (24 Mar 2006) (C)J.G.Harston
 14 FFF38000 DisAssem           1.05 (31 Jul 1998) (C)1990-98 J.G.Harston
 15 FFF18000 Acorn ADFS         1.53               (C)1984
--> Within displayed messages, 'version' should abbreviated to 'v',
not 'V', viz RamUtils v0.90. However, almost all messages should
display versions as a pure number, viz:
  RamUtils 0.90
--> On entry to a ROM, X always holds the ROM number, which is also
held in &F4, so there is no need to preserve X, as it can be restored
directly from &F4 on exit, viz:
  PLA          ; Pull Y
  LDA &F4      ; Restore X
  PLA          ; Drop A
  LDA #0       ; Claim the call
--> Routine DoReset: be warned that on MOS 5.xx (Compact), a power-on
reset (caused by resetting the VIA) wipes the RAM banks!
--> ROM type 1 is Turbo6502, and there's been general acceptance of
my use of ROM type 7 as PDP11.
--> Service call &12 is /select/ a filing system, not initialise a
filing system.
--> &A8-&AF aren't reserved for OS command use, they're reserved for
any command use.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
BBC IDE Hard Drive Interface - http://mdfs.net/Info/Comp/BBC/IDE
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