Date : Wed, 31 Dec 2008 10:51:29 GMT
From : chris@... (Chris Johns)
Subject: Electron econet project
For those who are interested..
Thanks to the suggestions of some posters earlier, I've spent a bit
(well okay a lot) of time dissasmebling the NFS ROM and have
modified/patched it to become an 'alpha' quality NFS 3.61 - the electron
I've soved the problems I had with modes 0-3 (the screen flickers when
the network is in use but when it's not in use it at least goes back to
normal now).
I've removed the Tube host code, changed the addresses of the ADLC and
NMI control/station number, added in some code to the NMI handler to
go through the electron ROM selection hoops and made some changes to use
the 100hz poll rater than the System VIA to do what looks like a callback
for the immeidate operations.
It all seems to mostly work in use logging onto the fileserver and
loading/saving files etc. The downside of having the Electon on the
econet is you ned to slow the econet clock down - my SJ bridge is
currently running at with 12us clock and 2us mark.
The current (if you'll excuse the pun) problem is it takes way too much
power from the +1 slot it's connected to - my DC multimeter read ~160mA,,
which is a bit more than the 50mA limit in the application note :)
Chris Johns <chris@... >