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Date   : Mon, 29 Dec 2008 07:16:53 -0600
From   : jules.richardson99@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: OT: ZX80 ROM ?

Rob wrote:
> But back on topic (barely) I also have a Dragon 32, obtained from
> freecycle, which I grabbed based on remembering old plans on using
> them as second-processors from a Beeb ... I might even try and do that
> one day, if I can think of an actual /use/ for it!

There was an article in a magazine (What Computer, I think - I have the scans 
somewhere) describing how to do just that - albeit with a D64 rather than D32. 
The sad part is that you could send off for a modified copy of FLEX to run on 
the Dragon side which could use the Beeb as the I/O processor - but of course 
no known copy has ever come to light...

It'd be an interesting project (and I do have a D64) but I've never quite 
motivated myself to try it, given the lack of OS. One day I might dig a bit 
deeper and look into FLEX - maybe the source is out there in sufficient form 
(ala CP/M) that hooking into routines such as "get keypress", "write char to 
screen", "read sector from disk" etc. isn't actually that hard...



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