Date : Sun, 28 Dec 2008 23:19:35 +0000
From : (Alex Taylor)
Subject: OT: ZX80 ROM ?
2008/12/28 Jules Richardson <jules.richardson99@...>:
> (Hmm, Speccy Econet interface, anyone? Quite possibly been done...)
Econet might be doable, but Ethernet's already in progress...
2008/12/28 Phill Harvey-Smith <afra@...>:
> Try and get hold of the verion of Chuckie Egg, it's as good if not
> better than the Beeb one :) Other gems are the Dragon versions of Manic
> Miner and Jet Set Willy both of which though only in 2 colours, squeeze
> more levels into 32K than the spectrum had in 48....
I'm sure I had the Dragon version of Chuckie Egg but I can't remember
it! I do remember having Speed Racer on a cartridge, which was superb
when played with analogue joysticks!
I like this off-topic stuff, I like all retro computers! I'm picking
up a Mac Classic II (maybe a few) from Kettering tomorrow :-)
Alex Taylor