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Date   : Sun, 28 Dec 2008 22:49:17 -0000
From   : jumbos.bazzar@... (Mark Haysman)
Subject: OT: ZX80 ROM ?

> Phill Harvey-Smith wrote:
>> Most significantly if you dump Dragon 32 cartriges which mostly used
>> 2532, cirtainly the early ones, as if they where 2732s you get a bad
>> dump :(
> In order to keep the off-topicness, I'd like to add that I own a couple
> of VIC-20 cartridge boards. Those take two 4K EPROMs each, usually 2732
> but I'm quite sure I've seen some identical boards fitted with 2532's.
> If the 11th address line (A11) is not required, is it even electronically
> possible to engineer a board that takes 2532 OR 2732 chips, or did I
> dream about it? My EPROM programmer doesn't natively support 2532
> although I have a few of those chips as well, so I couldn't try i
> myself.
> Wow, the BBC Micro list discussing the ZX-80, going over the Dragon 32
> to the VIC-20. At least that brings back the topic to 6502 computers...

I would think it possible with a few jumper pads, just to shuffle address 
lines around.

...and we're not off topic...we have a Z80 Coprocessor don't we, so talking 
Z80 is like in-house!


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