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Date   : Sun, 28 Dec 2008 00:51:17 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Using stack page for temp vars

Michael Firth wrote:
> One relatively easy compromise is to ensure that you only use the stack for 
> commands you don't process, and use the &70 - &8F range for your actual 
> command processing.
Please do **NOT** use the space labelled as "reserved for machine code by
and interpret that as "reserved for machine code" (without preserving and
restoring it).
I am **FED** **UP** with calling *commands from View, Diagram, ViewSheet,
Exmon, Art, any non-BASIC language, and things being corrupted because it's
trampled over space that BASIC doesn't use, thinking that nothing uses it.
> Worst case, document and caveat the use of that memory.
> There are obviously other areas of memory you can borrow if you can afford 
> some restrictions on the use of your utils - e.g. &900-&AFF is generally 
&900-&AFF has for a long time being seen as "transient command space", with
the emphasis on "transient". ie, don't leave stuff there that you expect to
find later. Again, I'm fed up with running a *command that loads to &900-&AFF
and crashing the system because something else has permanantly installed code

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
05:10:36, 18-Nov-2008 - RISC OS time rolls over to &5000000000

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