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Date   : Wed, 29 Oct 2008 19:29:59 +1030
From   : rafg1@... (Raffaele Giaccio)
Subject: Master 128 century correction MOS 3.50

Dear Jonathan,

I have just tried the following on a Master 128 MOS 3.50.
It does the same awful things with *BUILD and *APPEND
that occurred before the fix in MOS 3.20. I have tried altering
lines 470-510 using some other values for P%, etc.,  without luck.

Please assist. Thanks,


   10 REM > NewTime/s
   20 REM Intercept RTC calls to force 21st century
   30 :
   40 DIM mcode% &800
   50 FOR P=0 TO 1
   60 P%=&8000:O%=mcode%
   70 [OPT P*3+4
   80 EQUB 0:EQUW 0
   90 JMP Service
  100 EQUB &82:EQUB Copyright-&8000:EQUB 1
  110 EQUS "TIME":EQUB 0
  120 EQUS "1.00"
  130 .Copyright
  140 EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)"
  150 EQUB 0
  160 :
  170 .Service
  180 CMP #&27:BEQ ServReset
  190 RTS
  200 .ServReset
  210 LDA &20C:STA oldwordv+0
  220 LDA &20D:STA oldwordv+1
  230 LDA #newword AND 255:STA &DB1
  240 LDA #newword DIV 256:STA &DB2
  250 STX &DB3
  260 LDA #&12:STA &20C
  270 LDA #&FF:STA &20D
  280 LDA #&27:RTS
  290 :
  300 .newword
  310 CMP #14:BEQ newword14
  320 .oldword
  330 JMP (oldwordv)
  340 :
  350 .newword14
  360 STX &F0:STY &F1
  370 LDY #0:LDA (&F0),Y:PHA
  380 LDY &F1:LDA #14:JSR oldword
  390 PLA:BNE exit
  400 LDY #11:LDA #ASC"2":STA (&F0),Y
  410 INY:LDA #ASC"0":STA (&F0),Y
  420 .exit
  430 LDX &F0:LDY &F1:LDA #14
  440 RTS
  450 :
  460 .oldwordv:EQUW 0
  470 ]
  480 P%=&865C:O%=P%-&8000+mcode%
  490 [OPT P*3+4
  500 EQUW &DC00:EQUB &F0:EQUB &20:EQUB &7E
  510 ]
  520 NEXT
  530 A$="SAVE NEWTIME "+STR$~mcode%+" "+STR$~O%+" 8000 8000"
  540 OSCLIA$

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