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Date   : Sun, 26 Oct 2008 00:56:33 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Econet Library (load and exec addresses)

Andy Ford wrote:
> But as I transferred them via an image to adfs explorer > to xfer > and
> finally via copyfiles to the network, they have no load or exec addresses :(
> Does anyone know off hand what they are please ? (Pretty sure its the
> same for all the standard utils in the Library directory)
They will be different depending on what exact version of commands
you have. The load addresses will be wherever the utility was
written to load to, and the execution address will be whereever the
utility was written to be entered at. You can't just assume they
are all the same.
Can't you do a full directory listing with adfs explorer to show
the load and execution address and cut&paste them (or even just
write them down)?
> Also, I plan to use JGH's net utils too, I assume these have the same
> load and exec address's ?
No. How can they? As I wrote above, any commands' load&exec
addresses will depend on exactly where the command has been written
to load to and to execute at. Taking as an example
<http://mdfs.net/Apps/Networking/NetUtils.zip>, you can see that
different programs have different load&exec addresses depending on
exactly how the program was written and what is suitable for them:
=>*zipex netutils/zip
Name          LoadAddr ExecAddr Length At ModTime  ModDate    CRC      CSize 
Free          FFFF0E10 FFFF0E10 0001E6 DD 00:00:00 18/08/1998 64710008 0001E6
FSList        FFFF0900 FFFF0900 000200 DD 00:00:00 22/05/1998 0C566A57 000200
PSList        FFFF0900 FFFF0900 0001B5 DD 00:00:00 28/06/1989 706CBD42 0001B5
Remote        FFFF0E10 FFFF0E10 0001ED DD 00:00:00 08/07/1985 6142A8FE 0001ED
Servers       FFFF0900 FFFF091A 0001CF DD 00:00:00 12/06/1998 1821AF1E 0001CF
Set           FFFFDD00 FFFFDD00 0001FF DD 00:00:00 14/01/2000 221F9241 0001FF
Stations      FFFF0900 FFFF0900 0001FE 57 00:00:00 26/03/1998 34A2A44D 0001FE
Users         FFFF0E23 FFFF0E23 000139 DD 00:00:00 21/05/1998 6D94A812 000139
View          FFFF0900 FFFF0904 0001FF DD 00:00:00 17/10/1986 CD8B7278 0001FF
ReadMe        FFFFFF00 FFFF0000 000198 57 00:00:00 23/08/2007 FBEFEBAC 000198
Actually, I'd suggest you grab <http://mdfs.net/Apps/Networking.NetLib.zip>
as it is a full network library, including BBCZip which will let
you zip and unzip stuff.
And, to open the box with the crowbar that's inside the box, grab

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
05:10:36, 18-Nov-2008 - RISC OS time rolls over to &5000000000

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