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Date   : Fri, 24 Oct 2008 12:25:04 -0500
From   : jules.richardson99@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: A500 development ROMs

chris whytehead wrote:
> I really must try and dump the ROMs on the A500 co-processor, anyone
> recommend an EPROM programmer/reader to do this?

It doesn't really matter when reading most ROMs - really early stuff 
(pre-Acorn) can need some funny voltages that don't exist on more modern 
systems (and so aren't supported by any typical programmer).

Just about anything will do and cope with 2764-era devices (heck, with a bit 
of futzing around with tied address lines and a suitable socket, you could 
read them in a few passes on a Master, I suppose).

My programmer's a real beast - vintage in its own right. It's standalone unit 
that does PALs as well as EPROMs, with about ten sockets along the front, and 
is Z80-based with a keypad for control. It's only got about 512K of workspace 
memory (SIPPs, bleh) though, so it can't do the really huge EPROMs but is fine 
for 99% of what I need. Hooks up to whatever-you-fancy via an RS232 link, and 
can talk various transfer protocols.

Second to the Domesday player, it's the worst construction of anything I've 
ever seen :-)



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