Date : Fri, 26 Sep 2008 09:50:22 +0100
From : Charlie.Robson@... (
Subject: Atom MMC interface
Hi all
I'm pleased to say that for once I have the opportunity to return some
value to the community here :)
I've reached a point with my Atom MMC interface and driver utility ROM
where it's working reliably and I'm going to take a little rest now.
The interface is properly trivial - just 8 components - and it sits
snugly on the rear expansion connector talking to the VIA. The driver
software supports loading only at the moment. I also completely ignore
trivialities like subdirectories, LFN support and the FATs. But you'd
never know.
Scant details are on my blag pages (It's a bit like a blog but I can't
help feeling like I'm trying it on..) and I'll be happy to furnish
anyone with further details, technicalities, sources, etc. etc. The
blog is really just a notepad where I get to blurt out the thoughts
that would otherwise keep me awake at night.
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