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Date   : Sun, 31 Aug 2008 01:06:35 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: A5000 network question

HI All...

I know it's a bit OT, but can anybody point me at a suitable resource
on how to set up an A5000 ethernet board such that it talks IP,
supports AUN alongside the normal econet, has a samba, nfs or ftp
server, and has a VNC (or something) so I can see the desktop..
Ideally, it's a "unzip this floppy in root and you're done" but i
guess that it won't be that simple.  I've had the damn thing for ages,
now, and whilst I go the econet working quickly, and did get the L4
fileserver working in the end, and restored one of my old server
backups via a Model B, I can't seem to get the ethernet configured and
working.  The board seems to work, I just can't get to grips with
configuring any/everything.  It doesn't help that I can't get to spend
much time in the prescence of the hardware, ...   Oh, and I'm very
unfamilier with RiscOS and how you actually use it ..  I've read about
the universal boot, but have no idea if the machine has it, or what it

Once I get it all sorted, it'd be nice to get BeebEm talking to it
across the LAN..  Then it doesn't mnatter that I'm mostly suck on the
laptop downstairs these days.



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