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Date   : Mon, 25 Aug 2008 20:48:51 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Master 128 century correction

"Raf" wrote:
> Jonathan, *maybe* I am in error but one thing about X that I have noticed
> in my research over time about OSWord &0E is that if you copy the default
> registers into main memory, X is zero ( XY= 0 ,1 or 2). Acorn returns the
No, how could that be? It would mean that you could only ever call
OSWORD with a control block at &xx00 in memory, which you isn't the
case? It would break every single program that did DIM ctrl%
31:X%=ctrl%:Y%=X%DIV256 as ctrl% could be *anywhere** in memory,
not just at &xx00. Even BASIC calls OSWORD with X=&36 and Y=&00
with a control block at &0036.
If you investigate the OSWORD handler, it starts off something
CMP #16:BCS not_a_mos_word
\ jump via MOS dispatch table
LDX #8:JSR issue_service_call  :\ Send service call 8 - unknown
                               :\ OSWORD - to sideways ROMs, OSWORD
                               :\ number is in &EF, control block
                               :\ pointed to by &F0,&F1
> >> 250  STX &DB3                     --> LDA &F4:STA &DB3
> Also, the third item in the extended vector situation is the ROM number.
> On checking the contents of &DB3, it always contained a zero when I ran
> your code. When I put ?~&F4 into it, it contained my ROM number, 7.
On entry to the service routine, A=service number, X=ROM number,
Y=any other parameter. If you try the following code:
   10 REM > TEST/s
   20 DIM mcode% &1000
   30 FOR P=0 TO 1
   40 P%=&8000:O%=mcode%
   50 [OPT P*3+4
   70 JMP Serv
   80 EQUB &82:EQUB copy-&8000:BRK
   90 EQUS "TEST"
  100 .copy
  110 BRK:EQUS "(C)":BRK
  120 .Serv
  130 PHA:TXA:JSR pr_hex:PLA:RTS
  140 :
  150 .pr_hex
  170 JSR pr_nyb:PLA
  180 .pr_nyb
  190 AND #15:CMP #10:BCC pr_dig
  200 ADC #6:.pr_dig
  210 ADC #48:JMP &FFEE
  220 :
  230 ]NEXT
  240 OSCLI"*SAVE TESTROM "+STR$~mcode%+" "+STR$~O%
(See also <http://mdfs.net/System/Rom/MCode/Testing/ServROM.s>.)
You will see that on every entry to the service handler, X is
holding the ROM number. If it isn't, there is something wrong with
your computer that is going to kill a huge number of ROMs that rely
on the service handler being entered with the registers set up
"Raf" wrote:
> Hi John,
> 2. Would you please assist with full working programme listing(s), Jonathan,
What's wrong with "add the following lines to the previous
program"? It gives you:
   10 REM > NewTime/s
   20 REM Intercept RTC calls to force 21st century
   30 :
   40 DIM mcode% &800
   50 FOR P=0 TO 1
   60 P%=&8000:O%=mcode%
   70 [OPT P*3+4
   80 EQUB 0:EQUW 0
   90 JMP Service
  100 EQUB &82:EQUB Copyright-&8000:EQUB 1
  110 EQUS "TIME":EQUB 0
  120 EQUS "1.00"
  130 .Copyright
  140 EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)"
  150 EQUB 0
  160 :
  170 .Service
  180 CMP #&27:BEQ ServReset
  190 RTS
  200 .ServReset
  210 LDA &20C:STA oldwordv+0
  220 LDA &20D:STA oldwordv+1
  230 LDA #newword AND 255:STA &DB1
  240 LDA #newword DIV 256:STA &DB2
  250 STX &DB3
  260 LDA #&12:STA &20C
  270 LDA #&FF:STA &20D
  280 LDA #&27:RTS
  290 :
  300 .newword
  310 CMP #14:BEQ newword14
  320 .oldword
  330 JMP (oldwordv)
  340 :
  350 .newword14
  360 STX &F0:STY &F1
  370 LDY #0:LDA (&F0),Y:PHA
  380 LDY &F1:LDA #14:JSR oldword
  390 PLA:BNE exit
  400 LDY #11:LDA #ASC"2":STA (&F0),Y
  410 INY:LDA #ASC"0":STA (&F0),Y
  420 .exit
  430 LDX &F0:LDY &F1:LDA #14
  440 RTS
  450 :
  460 .oldwordv:EQUW 0
  470 ]
  480 P%=&865C:O%=P%-&8000+mcode%
  490 [OPT P*3+4
  500 EQUW &DC00:EQUB &F0:EQUB &20:EQUB &7E
  510 ]
  520 NEXT
  530 A$="SAVE NEWTIME "+STR$~mcode%+" "+STR$~O%+" 8000 8000"
  540 OSCLIA$
With the following results:
Sun,24 Aug 2008.13:33:43
   1 HELLO
000000 48 45 4C 4C 4F 0D       HELLO.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
05:10:36, 18-Nov-2008 - RISC OS time rolls over to &5000000000

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