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Date   : Sat, 23 Aug 2008 19:59:18 +0000
From   : peteveg@... (Pete G.)
Subject: Acorn 'System' hardware / software & BBC Basic on

Thanks Jules - I'll see about scanning the CU catalogue some time; it might
take a while to get around to though as my scanner is a right pain to use :-(  

Hey, spent an hour or two this afternoon fiddling with my BBC Basic upgrade 
board for the Acorn Atom. It was one of those things that I always wanted 
as a kid, but never (persuaded my parents!) to buy! It all seems to work 
but I did notice a couple of odd things. in that executing the SOUND command 
would result in some strange behaviour, and also when in BBC mode, the Atom 
would no longer recognise the Disk Pack (* DISC / *DOS etc. return a Bad 
Command). Maybe the latter is just a problem with my installation as I would 
have though tha Acorn would have made the upgrade compatible with Atom DOS 
? The final odd thing is that replacing the 'BASIC' rom with one from a standard
Beeb causes the card not to boot - I don't think its a pinout issue so probably
indicates that the ROM isn't just raw Basic...

Cheers all,

> Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:49:17 -0500
> From: jules.richardson99@...
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Acorn 'System' hardware / software
> Pete G. wrote:
> >   Hi Guys - haven't posted here for a while! I'm having a bit of an 
> > early Acorn nostalgia trip at the moment, spending far too much time 
> > browsing through an old Control Universal catalogue :-)
> Any chance of a scan of that?? It's be interesting to see anyway, plus it'd 
> probably help me figure out how some of my CU bits fit together!
> Anyway, I'll see if I can work out later what I have if I get chance. It's all 
> in storage back in England, but I think I photographed / scanned / archived 
> pretty much everything before I left the country. No clue when I'll be able to 
> access the physical items again though, sadly :( (JGH I haven't forgotten that 
> I have a pile of 'scrap' CU hardware with your name on it if I can ever figure 
> out how to get it to you!)
> Oh, I did almost bring my complete System One on the plane over with me, but 
> then decided that it'd probably cause too much of a stir with the airport 
> security people! 'bare' circuit boards, a keypad and a one line display - no, 
> that's not a bomb timer at all, officer...
> cheers
> Jules
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