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Date   : Thu, 21 Aug 2008 07:58:59 +0930
From   : rafg1@... (Raf)
Subject: Master 128 century programs

 On 18/08/2008 Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:-
1   REM > NewTime/s
2   REM Intercept RTC calls to force 21st century
3   :
 4   DIM mcode% &800
 5   FOR P=0 TO 1
 6   P%=&8000:O%=mcode%
 7   [OPT P*3+4
 8   EQUB 0:EQUW 0
 9   JMP Service
10  EQUB &82:EQUB Copyright-&8000:EQUB 1
12  EQUS "1.00"
13  .Copyright
14  EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)"
15  EQUB 0
16   :
17   .Service
18    CMP #&27:BEQ ServReset
19    RTS
20    .ServReset
21    LDA &20C:STA oldwordv+0
22    LDA &20D:STA oldwordv+1
23    LDA #newword AND 255:STA &DB1
24    LDA #newword DIV 256:STA &DB2
25    STX &DB3
26    LDA #&12:STA &20C
27    LDA #&FF:STA &20D
28    LDA #&27:RTS
29    :
30    .newword
31    CMP #14:BEQ newword14
32   .oldword
33    JMP (oldwordv)
34    :
35    .newword14
36    STX &F0:STY &F1
37    LDY #0:LDA (&F0),Y:PHA
38    LDY &F1:LDA #14:JSR oldword
39    PLA:BNE exit
40    LDY #11:LDA #ASC"2":STA (&F0),Y
41    INY:LDA #ASC"0":STA (&F0),Y
42    .exit
43    LDX &F0:LDY &F1:LDA #14
44    RTS
45    :
46    .oldwordv:EQUW 0
47    ]
48    NEXT
49    A$="SAVE NEWTIME "+STR$~mcode%+" "+STR$~O%+" 8000 8000"
50    OSCLIA$
 Thank you Jonathan.
 The listing above that you sent me causes problems 
 with *BUILD <fsp> and *APPEND <fsp>. These
 do not work with the programming as it stands and
 keypresses emit the usual loud 'bleep' with nothing to
 see on the screen. I have not tested any other filing
 system or MOS (3.20) commands but there may well
 be others that don't work, etc. The contents of &B0 to 
&CF don't appear to be correct.

 I have made a few changes in the programming and have
 numbered the lines it so as to make it somewhat easier to
 follow the changes.
 The program still prints out the correct *TIME($) & PRINT TIME$
 with the current century but I have *almost* but not quite got the 
 above problems fixed as you will no doubt see.

Line  14 changes to           EQUB 0:EQUS"(C) John Doe"

 "      25 replaced by          LDA &F4:STA &DB3

Lines 37-39 become         STA &EF:JSR oldword
                                         LDX &F0:CPX #0:BEQ over
                                         JMP oldword
Insert between  39 & 40   .over 
Lines 40 onwards stay as they are.

Best wishes,


P.S. Sorry about the incomplete post. It got into my outbox, somehow.
        I hope that we can come up with solutions.

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