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Date   : Mon, 04 Aug 2008 14:11:36 +0100
From   : samwise@... (samwise)
Subject: Retro Software - Repton game discovered & JBeeb

> I'm not sure if JBeeb is still going to be supported at all, but,
>  I've also written another Beeb emulator in Java which also needs
>  a few new features added. (http://jemu.winape.net). The web site
>  hasn't been updated for a while, and I'd like to put the source
>  code up on SourceForge if anyone is interested in helping to
>  improve it.

Hi, Richard.

I was aware of JEmu - but I had some trouble getting it working.  I've
since discovered that was due to JRE plugin issues on my machine, but
by then I'd got JBeeb in and working.  Given I couldn't see it working
and there wasn't much in the way of documentation (plus I think I'd
have had to compile the jar as well from what I recall?), I hazarded a
guess that it may not be as featureful as JBeeb (apart from just now,
the last time I tried JEmu was *ages* ago, I'm not even sure it had
Beeb support).  Better the devil you know!

I'm not much of an emu coder but would be happy to test stuff out, if
development starts up again.  I'm sure we find other volunteers on
StairwayToHell and maybe c.s.a.g too ... Perhaps if Jules gets a
chance to look at both Java emus, he might decide to spend some time
on one of them ... could be more productive, if you're both working on
the same codebase.  An embeddable emulator is definitely a worthy
project, methinks!

One thing which I don't think either Java emulator can do, for
example, is allow the loading of a custom ROM image - that's a shame
as one of our projects is distributed as a ROM image, so we can't show
it off ... :(


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