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Date   : Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:29:01 -0500
From   : jules.richardson99@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Retro Software - Repton game discovered &

samwise wrote:
>> I think Repton's in my all time "top five" games list... I was really annoyed
>> back in the day that there wasn't a version for my humble Speccy (I used to
>> play it on the beebs at school during lunchtime)
> ooh ... bad time to point out that there was (and Repton 2)?

Heh, actually yes - I meant to mention that in my email... or at least that 
there was a Repton 2 (I don't think I knew there was a Repton), but it came 
very late on.

R2 was bloody awful compared to the beeb version though - the scrolling and 
keyboard response was just nowhere near as smooth. The only saving grace was 
that it was much better* than that 'Boulderdash' Repton-a-like clone that 
Speccy users had to put up with :-)

* one of these days I'm going to end up insulting the game of someone who 
inhabits one of these mailing lists...

I did actually work on a Repton clone for the PC with a few friends back in 
the early 90s, but unfortunately I don't think anything of that survives. As I 
recall, we had the 'feel' almost identical to a beeb, and got as far as 
getting all the levels done, but were lacking any sound - then we all went off 
to uni and other things became more important ;-)

>> Will someone be posting here when it's done? (I could do without yet another
>> site login :-)
> You only have to login once to the forum and it remembers you.  :)

Hmm, I'll think about it! (I'm old-school and kinda anti-forum, too - I much 
prefer a mailing list... ;)

> Sure can post back here, tho.


>  I just wanted to make sure there was
> some interest before spamming the list with multiple mails on the same
> topic! 

Well the list has been a bit quiet of late, so we can use more stuff to talk 

> The next evolution of the game, Cyroid-X, has also been
> unearthed - it's similar to the Repton game, but with completely
> different graphics and some gameplay changes ... There's still a lot
> to do on both titles like filling out the number of levels, but it's a
> pretty interesting discovery, I reckon.

Y'know, a follow-on to Citadel might be interesting, too. Or a port of the 
Speccy's Monty Mole series to the beeb (I don't think it was ever done...)

>> Hmm, I don't know if I've got enough free time right now - maybe when the kids
>> go back to school in a month or so. I used to do Java dev full-time (mainly on
>> the "low level" side rather than UI stuff), so wouldn't mind taking a peek.
> Wow. Dave's gonna say I-told-you-so.  I said no one would pick up an
> emulator, just because I asked.  He assured me it wouldn't hurt to
> raise the question!


Well my 'to-do' list tends to outweigh my free time by a factor of ten, but I 
would be interested to look at JBeeb if I can find time :-)

I'm always in awe of emulator writers, but they're so often a mix of C and 
assembler (understandably) - making following someone else's code that much 
harder. I might actually stand a chance of making sense of how JBeeb works :-)

Plus of course if the separate machine functions are reasonably modularised, 
there might be scope to make an Acorn System or Acorn Atom or CUBE emulator 
one day, too...



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