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Date   : Fri, 25 Jul 2008 17:39:49 +0100
From   : profpep@... (Mike)
Subject: EEPROM writing in SW rom bank?

From: "Ian Wolstenholme"

Just another thought - doesn't the Master Compact have one of these
EEPROMs in it to hold the configuration settings?

The Compact has an 8 pin serial EEPROM - which is wriiten and read in an
entirely different way, the Compact one is an PCD 8572, an  I2C device,
which reads and writes on 2 pins.

As a thought, for the compact it might be possible to fit one of the I2C
clock/memory chips, and I somehow remember an Acorn person once telling me
it was possible, but not fitted on grounds of cost. Whether the relevent
code is still in the OS is another matter.


Original Message -----
From: Charlie.Robson@... [mailto:Charlie.Robson@sophos.com]
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 10:23:55 +0100
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] EEPROM writing in SW rom bank?

"Ian Wolstenholme" <bbcmailinglist@...> wrote on 25/07/2008

> I'm not sure if this would be possible, or at least, as straightforward
as it
> might appear to sound.  Presumably if you could just plug an EPROM into
> an SROM socket and connect a lead between the write line and pin 8 IC77
> or similar, then there wouldn't have been much of a market for EPROM
> programmers.
> And also, I expect you'd find hundreds of user modified Beebs with
> connection made between the two points, and probably a ZIF socket in the
> ROM slot as well so that the user could programme his own EPROMs at

You are indeed correct - for EPROMS. I am using an *EEPROM* which, for the
uninitiated, are writable a _bit_ like RAM, in that you don't necessarily
need to use a programming voltage to cook the bits, plain 'ol 5v will do

You write to the chip as you would a RAM, taking into account any protocol
required to turn off any 'soft' write protection, and then wait until it
takes its requisite time to self-program. You can poll for write
in a number of ways, usually involving reading back the byte you've just
written until bits stop flipping in some manner or other.


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