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Date   : Thu, 17 Jul 2008 01:09:23 +0200
From   : anders.carlsson@... (Anders Carlsson)
Subject: Repton tunes

Tom Walker wrote:

> Both Repton 3 and Repton Infinity are original tunes.

Yep, HVSC STIL even says "Repton 3 [from the BBC Model B Game]" for
the C64 version of the same game.

By the way, I just saw a funny anecdote by Paul Hughes regarding the
Scooby Doo game:

"It's a common misconception that Mark Cooksey did the (C64) music.
  Actually Mark did the sound effects, whilst Peter Clarke composed the
  music. The reason I know this is because I wrote the music player for
  it. The story goes that myself and Pete were hired to do the music
  for ?600. When we delivered they (Elite) turned around and said, aah
  yes but we've had to pay ?200 to get the sound effects done so here's

Those were the pioneer days of computer games when companies could do
as they wished. There is another anecdote from Ben Daglish how he once
was offered a "slightly dodgy import status" left hand drive BMW instead
of cash but he denied the offer.

Best regards

Anders Carlsson

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