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Date   : Wed, 16 Jul 2008 02:17:30 +0100
From   : george@... (George)
Subject: Weird places that BBC micros could be found

I  remember seeing a BBC Micro system  at Snibson Discovery Centre, but
this was  early 1990s. It did  some sort  of survey about the senses
and loaded  data up on  various people  who had done the  survey. I
know it  had  a concept keyboard and if I remember rightly the BBC Micro
was visible, just out  of sight under  a cover.

I'd love  to see  BBCs controlling a train station - how much  work
exactly  could  they do? I can understand they could be used for
displaying info manually, but I thought these days information was
updated by trains passing through sensors etc  and  announcements made

They had a  BBC Micro in the background  on "Destination Three" a
program on BBC Three last year.

Also in my school in 2001, they still used Masters and had since the
late 1980s. I got the backup batteries replaced with the AA battery
system Chris was selling at the time. I expect they will work for a good
20+ years now with the new batteries.

I'm trying to remember where  else  I've  seen BBCs still working.

Sorry about my spaces, my keyboard is playing  up at the moment!


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