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Date   : Sat, 28 Jun 2008 21:14:48 +0100
From   : C.J.Thornley@... (Chris Thornley)
Subject: weird places that BBC micros could

Doesn't the master behave like the archimedes when the keyboard unplugged
and auto boots with power on?


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-----Original Message-----
From: bbc-micro-bounces+c.j.thornley=coolrose.fsnet.co.uk@...
uk] On Behalf Of Ian Wolstenholme
Sent: 28 June 2008 14:40
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] weird places that BBC micros could
befound(was:TheMicro User)

I can't remember if I came up with a solution for this problem because you
need the R key to be able to clear all the configuration settings so you can
start again.  You could get round this using a utility which clears all the
CMOS RAM and then re-configures everything but the difficulty would be
getting a keyboard-less Master to run it.

You couldn't do it from disc because there is no SHIFT key to boot the disc,
same with an RFS ROM, and even if you could write a ROM to do all the
configuring whilst responding to one of the standard service calls, there
would be no guarantee that the ROM in question hadn't unplugged itself, as
everything tends to get unplugged after the batteries go flat.

If there are these Master-motherboard-only systems out and about, though, I
imagine the issue has come up more than once or twice over the last 22 years
so there must be a solution without buying extra hardware, ie. a keyboard!

Best wishes,

----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Taylor [mailto:zeem.uk@...]
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 14:15:58 +0100
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] weird places that BBC micros could befound
(was:TheMicro User)

2008/6/28 Ian Wolstenholme <bbcmailinglist@...>:
> I remember getting an enquiry about re-configuring a machine which had 
> flat batteries, but the owner said it was used in some sort of 
> industrial environment and didn't have a keyboard.

That's very interesting; I had a very similar enquiry when I was selling
some Masters on eBay a while ago. I wonder if it was the same bloke.

I think my suggestion to him was to try and get hold of a keyboard to get
the thing reconfigured, rather than replacing a working motherboard, by
breaking up a perfectly good Master for spares. At least then, the keyboard
could be used again in case of future problems.

Alex Taylor

bbc-micro mailing list

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