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Date   : Mon, 23 Jun 2008 22:41:11 +0100
From   : dllm@... (Dave Moore)
Subject: The Micro User

>  Who runs bbcmicro.com ? 


>   It's got links to a handful of sites on the
>   front but little else.   It would be the ideal domain to start
>   something like this on.

Totally agree! I would absolutely love to see this happen. If anyone on the
list wants to take the lead on this (as I just haven't had the time) I'm happy
to release FTP/Database details for the bbcmicro.com domain

And incidentally, anyone running BBC/Electron-related web projects are welcome
(and encouraged to) apply for a subdomain, [free] hosting with php/mysql
capabilities etc.

We've actually already got a [currently non-public] Joomla installation up and
running on bbcmicro.com, and first and foremost, my idea was to get a
"news-posting" service started ...

Then in terms of replicating WOS, a couple of [Scandinavian] web-gurus have
agreed to help code a DB-backend akin to WOS/Lemon64/Atari Age (which we could
integrate with the CMS) but they're Commodore guys, so it would be good if
they could receive direction from an Acornophile or two (Samwise?)

(We actually had a DB-driven version of the STH archive online a couple of
years ago, that was a blatant ripoff of World of Spectrum, but it's no longer

As I mentioned some time back, I'd be quite happy to "phase-out" STH and move
all the [useful] content to the bbcmicro.com domain. It would be nice if we
could also perhaps incorporate selected content from BBCDocs.com and other
resource pages (Chris W? Jon H?) as well as [defunct] sites, such as 8BS & BBC

* = which would obviously require Robert's/Chris R's blessing


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