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Date   : Mon, 23 Jun 2008 17:23:09 +0100
From   : dllm@... (Dave Moore)
Subject: New Forum to support coordination of Magazine Scanning

Ok, how's this for starters?:

Hopefully we can use this setup (or something similar) to avoid duplication of
effort etc.

So far, I've only documented the status of Micro User scanning, properly:

I'll do the same for Acorn User later this week ...

So please leave feedback in the designated forum thread, or post back to the
list (though I'll be away for a couple of days and probably won't be able to
reply until Thursday).

I realise not everybody on the list is able to access the web (or prefers not
to) so I have included some of the content below:

The Micro User / Acorn Computing

=====  ======   ===  =======  ====  ====  ===  ======  =======  === 

01-01  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-02  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-03  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-04  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-05  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-06  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-07  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-08  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-09  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-10  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-11  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
01-12  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
02-01  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  TAPP    150/JPG  YES 
02-02  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  [TAPP]  -        - 
02-03  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  [TAPP]  -        - 
02-04  Scanned  DH   300/PNG  YES   N/A   N/A  [TAPP]  -        - 
02-05  In-Proc  DH   300/PNG  -     N/A   N/A  -       -        - 
02-06  YTS      DH   300/PNG  -     -     -    -       -        - 
02-07  YTS      DH   300/PNG  -     -     -    -       -        - 
02-08  YTS      DH   300/PNG  -     -     -    -       -        - 
02-09  YTS      DH   300/PNG  -     -     -    -       -        - 
02-10  YTS      DH   300/PNG  -     -     -    -       -        - 
02-11  YTS      DH   300/PNG  -     -     -    -       -        - 
02-12  YTS      DH   300/PNG  -     -     -    -       -        - 
03-01  Scanned  DM   300/PNG  NO    DM    NO   TAPP    150/JPG  YES 

TAPP = The Acorn Preservation Project

[the above is best-viewed with a fixed-width font!]

Column Headings:


Volume/Issue No


Can be:

* Scanned

* In-Proc [In-Process]

* YTS [Volunteer has issue in hand, but has Yet To Start scanning]

* Located [Issue has been located, but we've yet to identify a Volunteer to
scan it]

* MISSING [We've yet to find someone who owns this issue]


The initials of who has scanned, or will be scanning the issue in question


Image information regarding the saved/OFFLINE version

e.g. 300/PNG stands for [lossless] Portable Network Graphics (PNG) @ 300 dpi


Whether the scans feature curvature around the edges of (some of) the pages


Whether the image has been tidied up i.e. pages straightened; edges tidied up;
texture/creases/other blemishes removed


Whether the pages have also been OCR'd


If applicable, name of the website where the scans are available


Image information regarding the ONLINE version

e.g. 150/JPG stands for [lossy] JPEG @ 150 dpi


Whether a PDF exists (which may or may not contain an OCR layer) in addition
to the raw scans


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