Date : Thu, 19 Jun 2008 20:12:36 +0100
From : nohaironheed@... (Andrew)
Subject: BBC RAM
Simple question I'm sure. I have aquired two BBC's recently, don't really
know how to use them, bit before my time but I've fallen in love with the
old dogs!
Now, on the screen, one shows "BBC Computer 32K" and the other just shows
"BBC Computer", does that mean that one is a Model A with just 16K RAM and
the other a B with 32K?
Also, is BASIC II just the name of the language? In the instructions for
Xfer to connect BBC and PC it states I need Basic II. These machines I have
just say BASIC both v1.20, is this BASIC II?
Any help would be great.
A new Beeb fan, Andy.
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