Date : Thu, 19 Jun 2008 13:05:18 +0100
From : Charlie.Robson@... (
Subject: Atom tapes
Hi All,
I have recently become the proud fath^H^H^H^H owner of an Atom.
There didn't seem to be any software around for reading Atom cassettes
to PC and converting .atm files to wavs for loading.
So I wrote some. On thing that niggled me though is that I found
programs saved by a real Atom place a ninth high frequency pulse on
the stop bit of a byte. Is this well known? My decoder now treats this
as a micro-lead-in between bytes but it's piqued my interest.
If you want the tools just yell.
p.s. There don't seem to be that many programs available on 'tinernet.
If you know of any place I might find some (copyrights honoured, natch)
could you please let me know. 747's good, but I'm sure I'll tire
quickly ;)
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