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Date   : Sat, 07 Jun 2008 21:40:10 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Econet Library Directory (and some quick questions

"Ian Wolstenholme" wrote:
> BBC Model B Econet utilities tend to run at &E00, hence the
> further increase in PAGE when the Econet interface is added,
No. NFS needs two pages of workspace, hence PAGE is increased by
&200. When NFS isn't doing anything, then the NFS workspace can be
used for running transient utilities. PAGE is *not* raised just to
provide somewhere for utilities to run.
> whereas Master series library utilities generally run at &DD00
Master-specific utilities. There's nothing to stop you configuring
Masters to raise PAGE and run the same utilities on all machines.
The best place to put transient utilities is at &900-&AFF, the
serial/tape buffers which are free as long as you don't use the
serial port or OPEN tape files. On a mixed network it is best to
configure Masters to raise PAGE and use the same utilities.
> ANFS on the Master Series allows an alternative library to be
> used, called Library1 and this directory should be used for all
> the Master 128 library utilities.
...and copies of all the other utilities. That's the problem, you
end up duplicating the entire system library. It's a shame ANFS
couldn't look for *command in % and %.^.Library, so then Library1
could just have Master-specific commands.
> ANFS also has the option to increase page from 3584 to
> 4096 to reduce the possibility of utilities written on the
> BBC B using the Econet workspace overwriting the user
> RAM.  Use *CONFIGURE SPACE to set this.
&E00 and &1000 is so much easier to understand when taking about
memory locations and PAGE settings.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
Jet Set Willy Resources - http://mdfs.net/Software/JSW

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