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Date   : Sun, 01 Jun 2008 20:28:46 +0100
From   : acorn@... (Andy Ford)
Subject: Econet Library Directory (and some quick questions

Thanks for the detailed information Ian. :)

Some of it has gone "above my head" , but I think it will all gel into 
place soon enough.


Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> I think originally the Econet software was supplied as a disc with
> the File Server code and the Library and Utility directories on the same
> disc, for the utils to be copied up onto the network (or onto a Master
> disc) when the network was running.  The versions of the File Server
> code floating about on the internet don't seem to have the Library
> utilities included.
> This link will download a zipped ADFS disc image (in .ADL format) 
> containing the File Server code (version 3.92 with the date fix
> included) and the BBC B Library, Master series Library and Utils
> directory.  It is a dual format ADFS/Econet Level 3 disc with the
> Library and Utilities already in the Econet partition, so you can
> also use the disc as a file server disc running on a Level 3 system:
> http://www.beebmaster.co.uk/downloads/L3FS-ISW.zip
> BBC Model B Econet utilities tend to run at &E00, hence the
> further increase in PAGE when the Econet interface is added,
> whereas Master series library utilities generally run at &DD00
> which is not available on the Model B, so there are different
> versions of the Library utilities for the Model B and the Master,
> and it's important not to confuse the two.
> ANFS on the Master Series allows an alternative library to be
> used, called Library1 and this directory should be used for all
> the Master 128 library utilities.
> [32-bit machines also have a separate library called ArthurLib
> for similar reasons].
> To use the alternative library on a Master 128 station, use
> *OPT 5,1 to turn on the FINDLIB function.
> ANFS also has the option to increase page from 3584 to
> 4096 to reduce the possibility of utilities written on the
> BBC B using the Econet workspace overwriting the user
> RAM.  Use *CONFIGURE SPACE to set this.
> There are two file copiers available for transferring from
> discs to Econet.  Use COPYFILES for DFS discs.  This can
> also be used for most other file transfers across filing
> systems.  For copying between ADFS discs and Econet,
> use LOGCOPY which is a directory logical copier.
> Hope this helps.
> Best wishes,
> Ian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Andy Ford [mailto:acorn@...]
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Sent: Sun, 01 Jun 2008 15:00:26 +0100
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Econet Library Directory (and some quick questions
forour Econet experts)
> Hello.
> I was just wondering really... Just three quick questions for our Econet 
> experts.
> My econet will be running in a few days (I had it just about alive using 
> two M128's yesterday) , just waiting for some components to get my B on 
> instead of the M128 client.
> When you create (level 3 but floppy disc based) , a new disc, you are 
> asked about a master directory. I understand this is for copying the 
> Econet utilities to that disk (I assume these live in the Library directory)
> 1. Apart from the well known Remote / View / Notify etc, what else 
> should be (ideally) there ?
> 2. I am (unless I overlooked it, which is quite possible!) , unable to 
> find a disc image of the utilities disc too... As when these were new 
> was there not a disc with the server software on and also a utils disk ? 
> and what does this contain (anyone got a directory listing to hand) ?
> 3. Finally, what is the best way for me to easily move some programs 
> across from DFS to Econet ? (Can anyone recommend the best utility to 
> use for it please) Was there not a program (I'd guess on the utilities 
> disk) to transfer files over easily) ?
> Thanks in advance :)
> Andy.
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